Who we are

We are hundreds of close, responsive and passionate technology professionals who are deployed in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa. All of us at Sienz work to be the best, because for us, that’s what it means to be the greatest.

Our company was born under the impulse of Sebastián Martínez, who was CEO of Compac Latin America, a company he helped found in 2006. Years later, his drive led him to become one of the founding partners of Sienz, a company with global reach of which he has been CEO since 2017.

Sebastián, a Mechanical Engineer by training, with a postgraduate degree in Business Administration and Finance from the University of the Republic in Uruguay and a graduate of Harvard Business School, leads our team.

We are hundreds of professionals passionate about technology who are deployed throughout the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa. All of us at Sienz work to be the best, because, for us, that means being the greatest. We are proud to note that Sienz’s growing pace has not prevented us from remaining close, responsive and empathetic to our clients’ needs.